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Line - "There is always a new start"

The Goalgetting Story 

"I have been so fortunate to have been one of Marte´s coaching clients. She does indeed have her own unique way of doing things and most importantly, it works ! Marte has the rare ability for compassion and empathy and as a client you will experience true and honest dedication from her side in the process of succeeding with your "goal getting". She knows what it takes to score the goal and she also sure knows how to get you there too !"
​Thor Rieber-Mohn
Business developer, project manager and contract negotiator

I've been lucky enough to use Marte as coach in important decision making. Her complex background in sports and arts makes her a dynamic motivator. Marte has a particularly ability to think creatively and independently, and not least she dare to think out of the box.Her analytical abilities allow her to quickly familiarize with advanced issues and then press the right buttons to move the case forward in the right direction. All the time this is done with a sincere commitment. As a motivator, she is very special. She is very focused and solution-oriented, and you really feel that you will be cheered on and supported to simply "score" goals. The Art of Goal Getting is a method that requires a lot of honesty about who you are, and it gives results. I would like to give Marte Cath E Bjorndal my warmest recommendations.
Professional musician, Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra

Jeg har vært så heldig å få benytte Marte som coach i viktige beslutningsprosesser. Hennes sammensatte bakgrunn innen idrett og kunst gjør henne til en dynamisk motivator . Marte har en særdeles evne til å tenke kreativt og selvstendig, og ikke minst tør hun å tenke annerledes.Hennes analytiske evner gjør at hun raskt kan sette seg inn i avanserte problemstillinger for så å trykke på riktige knapper for å bevege saken videre i riktig retning. Hele tiden gjøres dette med et oppriktig engasjement. Som motivator er hun helt spesiell. Hun er svært fokusert og løsningsorientert, og man føler virkelig at man blir heiet på og støttet til rett og slett å "score" mål. The Art of Goalgetting er en metode som krever mye ærlighet på hvem man er, og det gir resultater. Jeg vil med dette gi Marte Cath E Bjørndal mine varmeste anbefalinger."
Profesjonell Musiker​​ , Oslo Filharmoniske Orkester

Kjære "The Art of Goalgetting", Marte Cath. E. Bjørndal!
Hjertelig takk for inspirasjon, motivasjon, praktisk støtte - og spark bak i forbindelse med oppstart av mitt prosjekt: "There is always a new start"!!!
Kunne ikke gjort dette uten deg!


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